DM'd/responded to you.FUCK MY LIFE.
It just happened again. Started shuttering and shaking and smoking out the exhaust (its dark out but its dark smoke and smells like shit/fuel so not a head gasket -no antifreeze smell - not white steamy smoke) and then the beeping and check engine light came on. The air/fuel ratio display stopped working and maybe 4 miles up the road it thre P0030 Multiple Cylinder Misfire and P0203 Fuel Injector 3 Circuit Open
I am beyond pissed off. Tow truck is on the way.
@RamCares -- I have send you a few messages but I haven't heard back since your initial response. Please help me out here. I am begging you. I am off the charts of upset about this. I just sent you this exact message directly as well. I am really REALLY upset. The tow truck is on it's way. AGAIN.
Sunday let's chat, perhaps I can help out from unfortunate experiences - RAM Cares escalation and final resolution
Phoenix, AZ