Anyone know what happened to the large FB TRX group?!

which one ram 1500 TRX? or ram trx?!
Anyone have the URL path to that? I think I am too HAHA.
Fuck im gone too!
haha I just posted from another account, I'm sure I'll get banned to because I'm not paying anyone who manages a free facebook group to post about what we offer. Margins are not that great and I have a family to feed including 2 dogs and 2 cats. LOL
haha I just posted from another account, I'm sure I'll get banned to because I'm not paying anyone who manages a free facebook group to post about what we offer. Margins are not that great and I have a family to feed including 2 dogs and 2 cats. LOL
I would also like to get fed sir
I had joined that group at random a month before I got my TRX just to get some general info from owners, etc.
A post I had made promoting Shawn Liger/Hammer Performance got removed, and a follow up post about my OEM wheels being for sale got me a temp suspension and a warning.
That and the usual pissing contest posts about "How your Raptor R sucks, TRX BETTER" "NO! TRX SUK, Raptor BETTER" was reason enough for me to just leave the group.
anyone know what type of oil im supposed to run on sundays?
Supposedly a few people reported the RHO posts as offensive and if enough people report “offensive” posts it causes FB to investigate. I guess it’s a bad thing when FB investigates. A lot of folks were very triggered by the posts making fun of the RHO.
Agreed. And the mods get paid way better over here. I don’t even need a day job anymore
Great. this is how our next all employee meeting is going to go now.

For some reason I felt like I needed to make submitting it for the monthly video contest @Nitro