Won't start


TRX Member
Jan 23, 2025
Reaction score
New Jersey
Current Ride
2023 trx lunar
2023 TRX won't start fob will unlock doors but truck will not crank. Any suggestions what to check or reset. Thanks
Might want to check and make sure your fuses and relays are all seated. Has the truck been sitting a long time? Do you have a tazer installed on it?
Checked all fuses and relays some needed to be pressed down . Truck has been sitting I charged the battery. I don't have a Tazer
What’s your voltage read out on the battery if you have the means to check that via voltage tester? Do the cab lights come on can you get the push button start to the run position and have all screens and dash lights come on?
Voltage was 12.6 it will go into run position all dash lights up I can get to all screens
Use the fob to push the start button. Maybe it's having a hard time detecting it. Could be a low fob battery or RF hub issue
Tried pressing the start button with the fob no luck. Battery in the fob seems okay. It unlocks door and panic button works
2023 TRX won't start fob will unlock doors but truck will not crank. Any suggestions what to check or reset. Thanks
Is your floor mat accidentally covering the gas pedal by any chance? Perhaps not relevant if it doesn't even crank, but just throwing things out there.
Bad starter relay? (K06 and K09, IIRC) Maybe. Just try resetting them first.
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Possible bad spot in the starter armature? Crawl under the truck, and lightly hit the starter with hammer or mallet.
If it a bad spot, the tap rotates the armature out of the bad spot and allows the starter to operate normally. If that works, it means you need a new starter.
No remote start either? Disconnect the positive and negative cables and touch them together to discharge the system and reconnect them.
Possible bad spot in the starter armature? Crawl under the truck, and lightly hit the starter with hammer or mallet.
If it a bad spot, the tap rotates the armature out of the bad spot and allows the starter to operate normally. If that works, it means you need a new starter.
I'll try tomorrow. Thanks
Close the doors and unlock them from the inside by pulling driver's door handle. Had the same and it fixed that.