TRX with Leveling Kit and Behind Grille lights


🛠️ Staff member
Founding Member
Sep 20, 2020
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Boston, Ma
Current Ride
2021 Ram TRX
Current Ride #2
2024 C8 Z06
First off, I didn't do this but wanted to share some pics I found online. Not my truck but one heck of a build. This might be the first leveling kit and behind grille lights. Hopefully this is a forum member and we can get more details.

s-l1600 (1).jpgs-l1600 (2).jpgs-l1600 (3).jpgs-l1600.jpg
Found where the images came from:
Maybe my eye isn’t used to it but I kinda don’t like the front height aesthetic. If it provides functional benefit I would do it

What size lightbar were you able to fit in the middle?
Not my truck. I wouldn't be so lucky :)

All 3 looks the same size so I imagine one of the forum guys with a truck can roughly measure middle of R to middle of M for us and get us an idea of lightbar length.
Maybe my eye isn’t used to it but I kinda don’t like the front height aesthetic. If it provides functional benefit I would do it

To me, it looks a little high in the front, maybe I've just seen too many "stock" ones.
I texted him to find out what he used to level. Pics can be deceiving on a level truck, the only way to know for sure is measuring fender height before and after.

I’m going to guess that 1.5” is going to end up being the sweet spot for this truck. A smidgen of rake is actually a good thing both for stance, drivability, and to account for loading the rear to schlep stuff.
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I texted him to find out what he used to level. Pics can be deceiving on a level truck, the only way to know for sure is measuring fender height before and after. Plus the brodozer wheels make everything worse.

I’m going to guess that 1.5” is going to end up being the sweet spot for this truck. A smidgen of rake is actually a good thing both for stance, drivability, and to account for loading the rear to schlep stuff.
Let us know what info you uncover. I was hoping you saw this. You are right. I think most leveled trucks look level from the front and front-side but from the rear-side can look a little nose up. 1.5" would be great. Just guessing but these pics look maybe 2.5"
Higher in the front than rear, ish. Also 22's on a TRX? Hey to each their own, the owner is the only one that has to be happy with it. Plus it will make me look that much better on the road!
So hard to tell on the leveling but the extreme positive rake angle is gone which looks great. It might be a touch high but so hard to tell.

I love the powder coated calipers and the 22s. I just can’t leave those tiny Baja wheels on for more than a few days after delivery IF that day ever happens.

Excellent work on the light bars too. That’s one badass truck.
I've been texting back and forth with the current owner and he's a really nice guy.

He had the leveling kit custom made in a shop in Mass.

I've encouraged him to join the forum and he says he will, and then he can tell us all about his mods.
Any chance he gave the shop name. I am in MA so that's awesome. I will be go their straight from the dealer. That is great. I was hoping he was on the forum or able to join. Looks like he will pave the way from a lot of people to do those mods.
Any chance he gave the shop name. I am in MA so that's awesome. I will be go their straight from the dealer. That is great. I was hoping he was on the forum or able to join. Looks like he will pave the way from a lot of people to do those mods.

I believe it's this place:

The guy's name there is Sully ... because of course it is. :)
I believe it's this place:

The guy's name there is Sully ... because of course it is. :)
Thank you very much. Its like 20 mins from the dealer I bought from so perfect. Day 1, getting power steps installed and then head over there for a 1.5" leveling kit. Now I just need a truck haha.
First off, I didn't do this but wanted to share some pics I found online. Not my truck but one heck of a build. This might be the first leveling kit and behind grille lights. Hopefully this is a forum member and we can get more details.

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Hi its my truck and thanks for the compliments, i'm new to forums so go easy on me LOL
The leveling kit was definitely a pain in the neck with trial and error but the end result is so worth it
Hi its my truck and thanks for the compliments, i'm new to forums so go easy on me LOL
The leveling kit was definitely a pain in the neck with trial and error but the end result is so worth it
Welcome to the forum ... enjoy the Madness.