TRX Allocations in New England?


TRX Member
Founding Member
Aug 25, 2020
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Current Ride
2019 Ram Rebel
Any TRX hopefuls from New England out there??....I'm wondering if anyone from NE has received a confirmed order (VIN + D status) for a non-LE TRX, and if your dealer has confirmed that they have an allocation for it. I ordered a non-LE on 9/1 from my dealer in Massachusetts. Dealer placed the order and I received a VON the next day. (I was the first customer at this dealership to order a TRX). I checked on the order status late last week and was told by my dealership GM that he was informed by FCA that "no TRX allocations for any NE dealers have been granted yet". Hard to believe, but I trust this dealership, been a customer for many years. Anyone from NE receive the same information, or maybe something different regarding NE allocations?... I'm a patient guy and will wait as long as it takes to get my new Beast, just hoping that my order will not be dropped at some point due to no allocation....Thanks for any input !!
1 up there confirmed if you don't count NY/NJ. Everyone else VON


I am from MA and only have a VON with no status or priority. My dealer sales manager said pretty much the same thing. They have 2 dealerships in the tri-state area and said they only had 1 LE and 2 non LE allocation between the 2 dealerships. All 3 filled the first day order books opened. I could have ordered LE but went non-LE (they said if it was anything like the gladiator, the LE will show up after the non-LE around here) and my order went in at 12:34 on 8/18 which was 34 minutes after order books "officially" opened. The sales manager told me that he doesn't expect an update for my order for at least 2 weeks.

Unfortunately a lot of the info we get from dealers right now on the long term process/timeline is here-say or best guesses so I take everything, including the above, with a grain of salt. I ordered a C8 corvette 13 months ago and am still waiting. There is not much Ram can do to set the bar any lower for order experience lol.
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Any TRX hopefuls from New England out there??....I'm wondering if anyone from NE has received a confirmed order (VIN + D status) for a non-LE TRX, and if your dealer has confirmed that they have an allocation for it. I ordered a non-LE on 9/1 from my dealer in Massachusetts. Dealer placed the order and I received a VON the next day. (I was the first customer at this dealership to order a TRX). I checked on the order status late last week and was told by my dealership GM that he was informed by FCA that "no TRX allocations for any NE dealers have been granted yet". Hard to believe, but I trust this dealership, been a customer for many years. Anyone from NE receive the same information, or maybe something different regarding NE allocations?... I'm a patient guy and will wait as long as it takes to get my new Beast, just hoping that my order will not be dropped at some point due to no allocation....Thanks for any input !!
Any TRX hopefuls from New England out there??....I'm wondering if anyone from NE has received a confirmed order (VIN + D status) for a non-LE TRX, and if your dealer has confirmed that they have an allocation for it. I ordered a non-LE on 9/1 from my dealer in Massachusetts. Dealer placed the order and I received a VON the next day. (I was the first customer at this dealership to order a TRX). I checked on the order status late last week and was told by my dealership GM that he was informed by FCA that "no TRX allocations for any NE dealers have been granted yet". Hard to believe, but I trust this dealership, been a customer for many years. Anyone from NE receive the same information, or maybe something different regarding NE allocations?... I'm a patient guy and will wait as long as it takes to get my new Beast, just hoping that my order will not be dropped at some point due to no allocation....Thanks for any input !!
i ordered one September 5th but haven’t heard anything.I am in maine.Thanks for the info.I will be contacting my dealer shortly.Will post the answer but it looks like it’s going to be a while
I ordered my non-LE in MA in sliver on 8/24, which according to them was the first day they could place an order for a non-LE. Was told that they, and the other dealers MA/RI area, were each allocated one... I don't know how to check on my status but wondering if I need to check (and wondering how). Figured I would just get a random call some day in December and Christmas would be early!
I ordered my non-LE in MA in sliver on 8/24, which according to them was the first day they could place an order for a non-LE. Was told that they, and the other dealers MA/RI area, were each allocated one... I don't know how to check on my status but wondering if I need to check (and wondering how). Figured I would just get a random call some day in December and Christmas would be early!
You should call your dealer and ask for status of your order and get the build sheet sent to you. Congrats on the order!
I ordered my non-LE in MA in sliver on 8/24, which according to them was the first day they could place an order for a non-LE. Was told that they, and the other dealers MA/RI area, were each allocated one... I don't know how to check on my status but wondering if I need to check (and wondering how). Figured I would just get a random call some day in December and Christmas would be early!
You can go here and chat. Give them your VON.
Any TRX hopefuls from New England out there??....I'm wondering if anyone from NE has received a confirmed order (VIN + D status) for a non-LE TRX, and if your dealer has confirmed that they have an allocation for it. I ordered a non-LE on 9/1 from my dealer in Massachusetts. Dealer placed the order and I received a VON the next day. (I was the first customer at this dealership to order a TRX). I checked on the order status late last week and was told by my dealership GM that he was informed by FCA that "no TRX allocations for any NE dealers have been granted yet". Hard to believe, but I trust this dealership, been a customer for many years. Anyone from NE receive the same information, or maybe something different regarding NE allocations?... I'm a patient guy and will wait as long as it takes to get my new Beast, just hoping that my order will not be dropped at some point due to no allocation....Thanks for any input !!
I am from Ct but haven't received a VIN yet. Dealer said hopefully this week?
Ordered 8/19 in Maine, first order at dealer, granite non-le, have VON, no VIN. was told to expect around January... As stated earlier seems like a lot of hearsay... Called FCA couple of weeks back, told to call back in October. Me dealer checks status every two days
Just got my VIN today (9/30/20) ordered 8/18/20 from Mass
Checked status with sales manager he contacted sales rep and said all TRX's in D status will be built in December, This dealer got 4 allocations (1-LE). When I purchased my 2019 Limited w/ram boxes it took 4 months . I'm hoping to get by January we'll see what happens.
Checked status with sales manager he contacted sales rep and said all TRX's in D status will be built in December, This dealer got 4 allocations (1-LE). When I purchased my 2019 Limited w/ram boxes it took 4 months . I'm hoping to get by January we'll see what happens.
Nice. Thanks for the update/info. I'm still just a von with no status. And I am first at my dealer too. I was really hoping to get one early but at least by January would have been nice.