Ok, sorry guys. I made a quick post when I knew I was nearing the 30 min mark but I was still driving home at that point so I didn't go into detail.
So, 6 months ago I bought a Tazer DT and had just never installed it, it had sat on my desk at work since receiving it about a week before my truck actually arrived. Well I stumbled across this thread this morning and it got me thinking, I'm pretty sure you can adjust tire size with the DT. Told the wife I had to run to the office, got to work, updated the Tazer, installed it in the truck, made the adjustments. Power cycled the truck to save the settings and I was off. Pulled out, ran up and set cruise to 60 MPH, GPS showed I was doing 73.
NICE IT WORKED. Next thought was, while doubtful, if the truck communicates with the UConnect then the speed limiter may have access to GPS speed so I had to try 118MPH on the speedo as well. In "Mexico" obviously! Truck at 117 to keep from hitting limiter, GPS at 142! I turned around, tested it down and back again just to confirm! Honestly, If I had a better place to test I would have gone further because I could ease off and back into it again and the truck still pulls pretty decent from 135 to above 140 again.
So short of it, adjust your tire size and/or gear ratio which both go into the trucks speedo calculation.
Now for the few annoyances, your speedo is clearly off by a percentage of your tire ratio, as well as your trucks estimated fuel usage, mileage, etc. Nothing that is critical but obviously not a great long term solution. In the case you are at the track, or just feeling particularly rowdy for the afternoon, adjust as you see fit. If you only wanted to adjust it up to say 125 then the percentage it is off makes your normal driving still be VERY close, ie. 63.5mph vs 60 on the dash.
Obviously your speedo is off with this workaround, but if your trying to do 140 in a truck you clearly aren't concerned with speeding so