Oh - you have GOT to be kidding me! I know you're not, but... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot??
That has GOT to be the most retarded thing in the name of "vehicle security" since... well... I really can't think of anything stupider.
So was this really something that Vincent himself came up with and endorsed, or is it like you speculated earlier that this was one (or maybe now a few) installers trying to do their own thing?
I'll bet they use a pretty low-amperage fuse, too, right? So it completely defeats the purpose of having the trap there in the first place! So now if you're screwing around just trying to jump random wires, and you "accidentally" connect the ASD output to the trap, you don't blow the 20A F60 fuse, thereby killing the truck's ability to start... you instead blow the 5A (or 2.5A, or whatever) inline fuse. Or if you short the starter relay output to the trap, you don't blow the 40A F40 fuse...
Given that, you don't even NEED to find the trap first - just short pins 1-8 together, and short pins 9-16 together. Wherever the trap lies, it will just take itself out of the picture instantly, and away you go.
Their 60-seconds-to-bypass just went to 2 seconds... they just invalidated another of their major advertising points: "No master plugs!". Well, now there is... cut the back of the plug off, exposing the two plates, and fill in all the holes with solder (instead of just the select four). Congratulations - you now have a master plug that will start ANY "upgraded" Ravelco installation. <SMGDH>