Sure thing... here's how you can check your own build sheet and window sticker.
I wrote a simple Python script that runs on a local server that iterates through the first 2,000 VINs hitting the RAM publicly addressable URL and captures results of any vehicles that come back with a completed build sheet or window sticker. I then dump the results and GREP for a count of completed build sheets and window stickers. This way I'll know how many and which production VINs are ready before the customer/dealership knows.
You certainly don't need to write a script it you're just interested in your own vehicle. You can do it manually anytime you want.
Hit this link for RAM build sheet: (please note the VIN at the end of this link, you will need to replace it with your own VIN) (NOT production vehicle, EXAMPLE only) (production vehicle, enter last 5 of your VIN)
Hit this link for RAM window sticker: (please note the VIN at the end of this link, you will need to replace it with your own VIN) (NOT production vehicle, EXAMPLE only) (production vehicle, enter last 5 of your VIN)
BOTH of the above links with full VIN "
1C6SRFU92MN900294" will show what appears to be a valid VIN for TRX truck, this VIN is NOT a production customer vehicle (probably assembly line production test model). The production customer vehicle VINs have the following format: 1C6SRFU99MN9xxxxx where the "xxxxx" is the last 5 of your VIN. My script is checking "00001" up to "02000"
I know many folks will likely be interested in this if they don't already know about this capability. I will start a new post and share this info on it's own thread so it's easy for folks to reference vs being buried in this Motor Trend thread.
Good Luck!