IGLA Start sequence.

Serious question. What is the correct way to start the truck with igla? I got it installed about a week ago and I’m not sure if I’m doing it the correct way. I usually put foot on brake, fire up engine with start button, enter code after dash sweeps and then I can put into gear and go. Am I supposed to not start the truck before entering code? For example, put truck in run position, enter code, then foot on brake and fire up engine.
Also what do you do if you enter the code wrong the first time? Can you enter it again or do you have to shut off engine and restart the procedure? Happened to me once and I shut down truck and restarted. Did I have to do that?

Lastly, what’s the correct procedure for when it’s remote started?

If this is sensitive information, please PM if needed.

You can do it either way. You just cannot do it fast because TRX’s do not like it and will cause false error codes and the shifter to stay locked.
Get in, start it (if setup this way) let go of brake. 1. Enter pin, let it flash 2 times, drive away.
2. Press push to start 2 times. Wait a second, enter the pin, let it flash 2 times, wait a second, foot on brake and start it, then drive away
Let me know if you have any questions
You can do it either way. You just cannot do it fast because TRX’s do not like it and will cause false error codes and the shifter to stay locked.
Get in, start it (if setup this way) let go of brake. 1. Enter pin, let it flash 2 times, drive away.
2. Press push to start 2 times. Wait a second, enter the pin, let it flash 2 times, wait a second, foot on brake and start it, then drive away
Let me know if you have any questions
What is the "Push Start 2 times" for?
So i've had my IGLA for about 2 months now. Took some getting used to but it hasn't been a problem for weeks now. But I have discovered a different way to start the truck that is was less time consuming but haven't seen anything on it yet. Instead of the: foot off the brake, press twice to run, enter code, wait for two flashes, foot on brake firmly then start again, trucks fires up and good to go. (Just don't shift into gear too quickly or the Service active dampening light likes to pop on). I have found if I get in and press brake firmly and hit start and enter my code, as soon as the last button presses it starts up ready to go. the lights flash within a second and i'm ready to go in gear and take off. I'm assuming its due to the power going to the starter for that certain amount of time demonstrated in the Ravelco bypass. This is by no means a complaint however i'm just worried it may not be acting as it should.
when you start it the way you just described .does it throw any codes?
when you start it the way you just described .does it throw any codes?
Does not. Only time i've ever had codes is putting it in gear too fast. Before the gauges sweep.
You found the unofficial way to start it that was also told to me. However, I think you have to put the code in relatively quickly to do the unofficial method but I've gotten used to the official sequence so I do the put in run position, code, and start.

I don't understand why folks are so annoyed by the official sequence and how long it takes but I can verify the unofficial method is tried and true for other folks wondering.
It is not and again needs to be done as described or you will have weird stuff happen like not unlocking shifter, fault codes ect.
another question. Is it supposed to require the code again after exiting and re-entering the vehicle without turning it off? I thought I read somewhere that it does, but mine does not.
another question. Is it supposed to require the code again after exiting and re-entering the vehicle without turning it off? I thought I read somewhere that it does, but mine does not.
As long as I do not turn off, I do not have to do that.
another question. Is it supposed to require the code again after exiting and re-entering the vehicle without turning it off? I thought I read somewhere that it does, but mine does not.
Thats with the new anti carjacking option
Thats with the new anti carjacking option
Does that option initiate only when the driver's door opens or do you have to also hop out of the seat? Just seeing if that feature is something I'd like to upgrade my IGLA to.
Does that option initiate only when the driver's door opens or do you have to also hop out of the seat? Just seeing if that feature is something I'd like to upgrade my IGLA to.
It initiates when you put it in park and keep it running. I can't remember if the door needs to be opened, but if you are being carjacked the door will definitely be opened.
Does that option initiate only when the driver's door opens or do you have to also hop out of the seat? Just seeing if that feature is something I'd like to upgrade my IGLA to.
Door open and foot off brake
It initiates when you put it in park and keep it running. I can't remember if the door needs to be opened, but if you are being carjacked the door will definitely be opened.
No, you can open your door doing 100mph and it will activate.