Igla Saves the day!

Sorry to hear that but as everyone is saying, at least you still have it. Hope everything is working ok.

I'm in LA too. Can I ask what part of the city you're at?
I have IGLA installed on my truck. I have mixed feelings about putting a stick on the window letting a potential thief know what type of security system they're up against. I'm leaning more to not telling the thief that they're up against IGLA, that way they have to play a guessing game as to why they can't make a key or get the truck started.

At the same time, I understand that if they know that the vehicle has IGLA (if they even know what IGLA is) that they may be less likely to waste their time breaking in knowing they would have to find the IGLA to defeat it.

I know where the IGLA is installed on my vehicle and I bought the same black fabric wire harness tape that RAM uses and I wrapped the IGLA in the wire harness using the tape. Even if I tell you where to look for it, you wouldn't find it unless you know exactly where it is in the wire harness and cut open the wire harness to get to it.

I have the same opinion when it comes to my house alarm. I don't advertise what type of alarm I have installed or that an alarm is even installed. That way the potential thief doesn't have a clue as to what type of alarm they're up against and maybe won't target my house because they know it has a particular type or brand of alarm that they may know how to defeat.
Sorry to hear that but as everyone is saying, at least you still have it. Hope everything is working ok.

I'm in LA too. Can I ask what part of the city you're at?
Im in the Southbay Area. Kind of secluded but obviously these punks are always on the look out and finally found me! Hope they dont come back. If it happens again im going to really contemplate getting rid of it. Dont want to keep dealing with this. Sucks!!
Im in the Southbay Area. Kind of secluded but obviously these punks are always on the look out and finally found me! Hope they dont come back. If it happens again im going to really contemplate getting rid of it. Dont want to keep dealing with this. Sucks!!
I've had the scumbags try and steal mine twice. After the first time, since I was parking mine outside, I bought a good cover for it thinking that it would not only protect it from the elements, but also hopefully make it less conspicuous. Well, it was only about a month or so later when they, or someone else, came back to try it again. So unfortunately if I were you I would plan on them coming back.

I finally moved mine into a secure indoor storage since it wouldn't fit in my garage. I sleep much better at night, although I do check the alarm tracker a few times a day. It might be worth checking into that option.
I have IGLA installed on my truck. I have mixed feelings about putting a stick on the window letting a potential thief know what type of security system they're up against. I'm leaning more to not telling the thief that they're up against IGLA, that way they have to play a guessing game as to why they can't make a key or get the truck started.

At the same time, I understand that if they know that the vehicle has IGLA (if they even know what IGLA is) that they may be less likely to waste their time breaking in knowing they would have to find the IGLA to defeat it.

I know where the IGLA is installed on my vehicle and I bought the same black fabric wire harness tape that RAM uses and I wrapped the IGLA in the wire harness using the tape. Even if I tell you where to look for it, you wouldn't find it unless you know exactly where it is in the wire harness and cut open the wire harness to get to it.

I have the same opinion when it comes to my house alarm. I don't advertise what type of alarm I have installed or that an alarm is even installed. That way the potential thief doesn't have a clue as to what type of alarm they're up against and maybe won't target my house because they know it has a particular type or brand of alarm that they may know how to defeat.
If you found one and installed it yourself then more than likely you don’t have the newest firmware with key protections so you would probably be better off putting a sticker on it so it fools them. This is why its done by trained authorized shops so that its done correctly, flashed and programmed correctly and has a warranty for not only the device but also the install.
I've had the scumbags try and steal mine twice. After the first time, since I was parking mine outside, I bought a good cover for it thinking that it would not only protect it from the elements, but also hopefully make it less conspicuous. Well, it was only about a month or so later when they, or someone else, came back to try it again. So unfortunately if I were you I would plan on them coming back.

I finally moved mine into a secure indoor storage since it wouldn't fit in my garage. I sleep much better at night, although I do check the alarm tracker a few times a day. It might be worth checking into that option.
Welp that sucks! Def looks like its going to be a pain in the ass! Whats sucks is theres nice cars all around my neighborhood. Couple Raptors, oldies, some really nice corvettes and bingo mine is the target! Sad man!
Welp that sucks! Def looks like its going to be a pain in the ass! Whats sucks is theres nice cars all around my neighborhood. Couple Raptors, oldies, some really nice corvettes and bingo mine is the target! Sad man!
given enough time those other nice vehicles will probably also be stolen or at least attempted to be stolen.
Welp that sucks! Def looks like its going to be a pain in the ass! Whats sucks is theres nice cars all around my neighborhood. Couple Raptors, oldies, some really nice corvettes and bingo mine is the target! Sad man!
I figured it would be safe here too. There was a TRX down the street, and plenty of MBZ, BMW, Porsches, Raptors, etc. I see all of them around the neighborhood still . . except for the other TRX. Don't know if they sold it or if it was stolen.
Im sorry to hear about your truck and also glad you still have it. Did they take anything? Or just f’up the truck? Scumbags.
@Air’d outSRT is working with someone on some IGLA stickers in various colors if you wanted some for your windows moving forward. @Ponce612 glad your truck is still there!
Do the crooks even know what IGLA is?? I have some stickers on my truck that says "do not touch, anti theft system" and they are reflective lol. Prob best they don't even know what it's equipped with so they don't look!
I have IGLA installed on my truck. I have mixed feelings about putting a stick on the window letting a potential thief know what type of security system they're up against. I'm leaning more to not telling the thief that they're up against IGLA, that way they have to play a guessing game as to why they can't make a key or get the truck started.

At the same time, I understand that if they know that the vehicle has IGLA (if they even know what IGLA is) that they may be less likely to waste their time breaking in knowing they would have to find the IGLA to defeat it.

I know where the IGLA is installed on my vehicle and I bought the same black fabric wire harness tape that RAM uses and I wrapped the IGLA in the wire harness using the tape. Even if I tell you where to look for it, you wouldn't find it unless you know exactly where it is in the wire harness and cut open the wire harness to get to it.

I have the same opinion when it comes to my house alarm. I don't advertise what type of alarm I have installed or that an alarm is even installed. That way the potential thief doesn't have a clue as to what type of alarm they're up against and maybe won't target my house because they know it has a particular type or brand of alarm that they may know how to defeat.
💯 Agree. Rather not mention IGLA on the stickers. Mine just say "do not touch, anti theft system."
Im sorry to hear about your truck and also glad you still have it. Did they take anything? Or just f’up the truck? Scumbags.
I had a really nice Kifaru bag/frame and its gone. Just got back from a scouting/coyote hunt and a bag of tools as im a mech/welder by trade and thats gone! Havent heard from insurance as far as reimbursement. Not going to hold my breath! First car in 17 years of owning cars to be broken into. I used to leave all kinds of stuff in my vehicles but usually dont this one and bam had that stuff in there and gone.
I had a really nice Kifaru bag/frame and its gone. Just got back from a scouting/coyote hunt and a bag of tools as im a mech/welder by trade and thats gone! Havent heard from insurance as far as reimbursement. Not going to hold my breath! First car in 17 years of owning cars to be broken into. I used to leave all kinds of stuff in my vehicles but usually dont this one and bam had that stuff in there and gone.
Damn it all.. of course!! 😡 Im sorry.
Task force
Bait trucks
Boobie traps
I am very happy to see that your truck remains YOURS! IGLA for the win. We have been finding too many stolen vehicles in terrible condition, if we do at all.
Do the crooks even know what IGLA is?? I have some stickers on my truck that says "do not touch, anti theft system" and they are reflective lol. Prob best they don't even know what it's equipped with so they don't look!
If it saves me a window and a deductible/claim/phone call/dealer visit I'm in (helps keep all of our insurance rates down) At that point I'll be awake, not telling what motion stuff I have outside around the truck that alerts me :devilish:
Do the crooks even know what IGLA is?? I have some stickers on my truck that says "do not touch, anti theft system" and they are reflective lol. Prob best they don't even know what it's equipped with so they don't look!
Of course they know what IGLA is. Not that all criminals are advanced and prepared but i have always thought that the perpetrator knows what they are going to do and how they are going to do it long before the victim.
Just had my truck broken into this morning. Luckily they werent able to steal it because of igla!! They def messed with the obd reader and stuff. Should i be worried that igla could be damaged going forward? Any insight is appreciated!
Damn I’m from Los Angeles that sucks!!! Not sure if we can ask this here but where and how much is igla installed for.. I need that I feel like it’s a ticking time bomb