How do I check status?


TRX Member
Jan 16, 2021
Reaction score
Occidental California
Current Ride
Hi folks, I am new at this and looking for some advice. I placed an order Aug 31 and have not heard anything. My dealer is not very responsive. Is there a way I can check on it using the order number? Thanks
Same exact boat in Chicago! Have a VON but no VIN. No indication on ETA at all. My feeling is it will be March which had I know that in September, I would have found another option. Definitely turning me off to Dodge/Chrysler as a customer. I understand demand but no communication is simply disrespectful. My dealer is fantastic, its the powers at be at the factory level that is not sharing any info
At least you have a good dealer. I can barely get mine to return calls
Use the chat feature on the link below. Give them your VON and they should be able to tell you the VIN. Try during US business hours; I’ve heard you have better luck that way. I did this today and was able to get the VIN during the chat.
